GOTR Unlocks Power and Potential

Through the Community Learning Centers (CLC) in Covington, students at four elementary schools are participating in Girls on the Run, a fun, experience-based program that inspires participants to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others. 

The Viking Zone CLC at Ninth District had a group of student participants last year, and this year, the program has expanded to the Wildcat Club CLC at Glenn O. Swing Elementary, the Dolphin Zone CLC at Sixth District Elementary, and Cardinal Club CLC at Latonia Elementary. With a cap of 16 students per school team, each site has a complete squad with even more students on a waitlist. 
Girls on the Run Cincinnati works with 12 counties in the tristate area, teaching essential life skills to students. The nonprofit trains coaches to facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development, including managing emotions, fostering friendships, and expressing empathy. In Covington, school-day teachers have been trained to lead each group of students, not only in physical activity, but also to discover, build, and grow their self-confidence. 

Last week, all Covington teams met at Glenn O. Swing Elementary School to receive pairs of running shoes to kick off the start of the season. GOTR provided the shoes to all students free of charge. Students, their caregivers, and the coaches were thrilled about the new kicks. 

The four Covington teams will meet twice weekly throughout the season, practicing at their home schools. Later in the year, they plan to coordinate a practice 5K in which all of the participants can meet before the big celebratory race on Saturday, May 11. On this day, participants from across the region will come together to complete the end-of-season 5K. All students will receive a GOTR shirt and finisher’s medal. In addition, teams complete a community impact project at the end of the season. 

Through the program, students are benefiting from much more than physical activity, as they are building confidence and fostering friendships. This has led to past participants joining the middle school track team and having the self-assurance to participate in other clubs and activities. 

The teams look forward to a wonderful season!

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