Students and Families Learn of Social Media Dangers

Last month, Stephen Smith, president of A Wired Family, LLC, presented a powerful program concerning the evolution of the mobile and broadband world at three Covington Community Learning Centers—Sixth District Elementary, Holmes Middle School, and Holmes High School. 

Having been presented to over 500,000 students and adults, Smith discussed social media and technology as is relates to student communications, including inappropriate online behavior, bullying, and its impact on mental health. In separate presentations to students and adults, Smith covered the causes, technology, and how students can help control these trends, as well as steps caregivers must take to protect children online.  

In particular with the middle and high school students, Smith discussed the consequences of sending inappropriate images, words and responses to social media posts and texts. Students and families learned steps that must be taken in order to attempt to keep personal information private online; however, he also explained how privacy does not exist online.

Holly Simkonis, coordinator of the CLC at Holmes High School said students and families found the presentation extremely insightful. “The speaker did an amazing job engaging the students and relayed a lot of helpful information regarding social media, technology, and especially AI. The students were impressed with the presentation and interested in learning the difference between real and fake social media.”

Presentations were provided in both English and Spanish and funded by Project Home, in collaboration with Covington Partners.

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