Covington Partners is committed to working with the schools of Covington to develop Community Learning Centers in all schools in Covington. Community Learning Centers provide opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development and family and community engagement.


Out-of-School Time Programs provide academic enrichment and skill development opportunities during non-school hours for students, families and neighbors. They help students meet state and local academic standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to families and neighbors. Our vision is to transform each school building in Covington into the hub of it's neighborhood, where students, families and neighbors can learn, grow and play. 

Each school in Covington provides an out-of-school time program, managed by the site's Community Learning Center (CLC) coordinator. Sites include:

Glenn O. Swing Elementary School Wildcat Club

Latonia Elementary School Cardinal Club

John G. Carlisle Elementary School Cub Zone

Ninth District Elementary School Viking Zone

Sixth District Elementary School Dolphin Zone

Holmes Middle School Bulldog Zone

Holmes High School After Hours